40' Flatrack High Cube


Información general del contenedor

Tipo de grupo ISO 45 PC
Tipo de tamaño ISO 45 P3

Dimensiones interiores

Measure Length Floor Length Min. Width Floor Width Min. Height Height Bottom
Millimeters 12,048 11,652 2,347 2,245 2,265 648
Feet 39' 6 1/4" 38' 2 3/4" 7' 8 3/8" 7' 4 3/4" 7' 4 1/8" 2' 1 1/2"


Measure Max Gross Tare (Weight) Max Payload
Kilograms 55,000 5,900 49,100
Pounds 121,250 12,900 108,350
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